Board of Directors Approved 09/01/05
August 4, 2005

Present: French, Wilson, Steiner, Williams, Sullivan, Passalacqua, Young, Machado, Capozzo, Sottana

Excused: Hughes, King, Hotaling

Minutes of July 7, 2005
Young motioned to approve, Wilson seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report - French

Membership Sales & Notations
Prospective Members: Greg & Michele Silva, Ronald & Michelle Myska, Tom & Pamela Frame, Jaime & Carrie Hinojosa. Passalacqua motioned to approve, Wilson seconded. The motion carried. The Board took note of two notice to sell form which will be effective Friday, August 5, 2005.

Committee Reports
Green: The green committee has established a "golf course beautification sub-committee." This sub-committee is to submit design plans on selected areas of the golf course. Drought tolerant and deer resistant plants will be provided.
S.I.D. Negotiations are ongoing. Young, Story and Capozzo met with S.I.D. representatives to try to resolve some issues with the agreement. Young feels the meeting went well and the S.I.D. representatives will discuss our request with their attorney. Young motioned to approve the agreement if the adjustments are made, and subject to Lavezzo's approval. Wilson seconded, the motion carried.
Golf: A member letter was sent to the committee suggesting to add an event on a Friday evenings to include golf, dinner and dancing. The suggested fee for the event is approximately $100.00. The committee agreed to add one Friday evening event this year and additional events next year.
A request from the University of San Francisco Women's Golf Team to extend weekend golf privileges after 3:00 p.m. for the 2005-2006 golf season. Wilson motioned to approve, Passalacqua seconded. The motion carried.
House: Due to the September's Boards requests to put a hold on C.I.F. spending, Passalacqua requested $300.00 for the committee to complete projects in progress. Young seconded, the motion carried.
Tennis Bids for the renovation of the Tennis facility returned over budget. The committee is revising their renovation plans to fit within the budget.
Membership: The committee discussed the best way to contact new homeowners in the area to introduce them to GVCC. Also discussed was the gathering of member opinions on adding an additional class of membership.
B&G: Williams will gather information on installing an entry gate at Country Club Drive. He will have plans and pictures of a particular style of gate he feels will work well at GVCC. Williams is researching possible location(s) to build additional cart sheds.
Finance: The committee has approved the Nextel contract and will have it sent to Lavezzo for final approval.

2006 Nominating Committee
Wilson motioned to appoint only past president's to the Nominating Committee. Young seconded, the motion carried 4-2.
The Board approved that the following members be appointed as the Nominating Committee:
Bill Fell Maurry Koch Al Lavezzo Mike Ross Gil Walker
The president appointed Bill Fell as chairman.

Old & New Business
Correspondence: A letter from a past president complimenting the Men's Invitational and staff. He thanked the Board for all the hours they volunteer to the Club.
Dress Code Ballot: Sullivan motion to add a commentary to the ballot stating both sides of the dress code issue. A member not in favor of allowing denim will be contacted to write a paragraph, and a member in favor of the wearing of denim will be contacted to do the same. Wilson seconded, the motion carried 4-3.
Petition for Special General Membership Meeting: A petition was delivered to the Club on July 27, 2005 requesting a special general membership meeting to discuss three topics. The first section is how the finances are managed, the second involves the tennis facilities and activities and specifically to "freeze all tennis budget expenditures until a revised tennis program is established that is self-sufficient financially and is fully supported by GVCC members' participation." The last item is about the quality of food in all dining areas and is requesting the action plan from June, 2005 meeting be implemented fully.
Young motioned that the Special Membership Meeting to be scheduled to follow the General Membership Meeting on:
Date: Thursday, October 20, 2005
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Ballroom
Williams seconded, the motion carried.

General Manager
Machado motioned that a board president or a director cannot tell the general manager not to enforce a rule established by the board. Sullivan seconded, the motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.